Facility Management: Smart Buildings of the Future
June 14, 2019
The term “smart buildings” makes most people think of a system like Siri, Cortana, or the computer in Star Trek. While some new buildings do indeed make use of similar systems, most are simpler. The technology in a smart building regulates such key factors as temperature, lighting, security, air quality, and entry allowance. Real estate markets have taken advantage of the growing trend, with the smart building construction industry expecting to reach a worldwide worth of $58 billion by 2022.
What does the growing smart building trend mean for the facility management industry? Successfully adapting with the times can mean a significant return on investment and higher tenant satisfaction. Smart building designs with the right features attract curious clients. For your smart properties, promote their most marketable factors and discuss how they can benefit any business.
The buildings of the future are here in the growing smart building industry! How can these new designs benefit your tenants? Click To Tweet
Energy Efficiency
A smart building’s ability to monitor temperature and lighting does more than provide a climate-controlled work environment. The technology can sense motion, how frequently a room is used and, consequently, how much lighting and temperature alterations it requires. This revolutionary ability will lower the building’s overall energy consumption and carbon footprint. Your tenants can choose whether to program the system to follow a certain plan, or to let it sense the needs on its own.
Energy monitoring systems can also keep an eye on the quality of air inside the building and flowing into the building through vents. By reducing how much polluted air employees inside breath, a smart building can increase both health and work productivity.
Security cameras and badge readers have long been standard on many businesses to monitor guests and employee access. A smart building can certainly incorporate this technology into its system. But don’t stop there! A smart security system will also send reports of recurring security concerns or false alarms. You can even monitor your facilities from your computer or smartphone when you’re away.
Pro Tip: Smart buildings are just as vulnerable to cyber attacks as any other internet-connected device. Invest in a truly secure system to keep your properties safe.
Maintenance Monitoring
Preventive maintenance on your building or technology is much simpler and cheaper than emergency repairs. Smart buildings use sensors placed near heaters, coolers, HVAC units, and other critical points to monitor for any signs of trouble. Managers are immediately alerted of any developing problems so the situation can be addressed before it gets worse. This particular application of smart buildings can save you a lot of money.
Visions for Future Buildings
Smart technology has come a long way, but it’s not finished yet. Over the next few years, the smart building industry is expected to grow exponentially as the technology finds it way into more and more work environments. For property managers, this means a more efficient system and more potential to attract interested clients.
Looking for more information on practical applications for smart buildings? Join the conversation to see how other facility managers handle this up and coming technology.